STEMS Research Study
STΣMS: Students’ Experiences in Math and Science Study Dear Dr. Dragos , I am writing to invite your Engineering students to participate in a study about their experiences in the major. We have one that is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and is approved by CPP IRB Protocol #10-138 for research with human participants.This study is for students who have at least 2 years left here at Cal Poly Pomona . We have another study for students in all grade levels and is approved by CPP IRB Protocol # 11-117 for research with human participants. I am a Research Assistant for Dr. Bettina Casad, a Psychology Professor at Cal Poly Pomona and the Principal Investigator on the project. In the STΣMS: Students’ Experiences in Math and Science Study , Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math students from Cal Poly Pomona will complete a series of online questionnaires, interviews, and lab sessions over the next 2 years. Participants wi...